Maastricht, Nederland

Westlandgracht/ 2023/ dasha.murash
This section contains computer-generated images created for personal projects as well as for /or in collaboration with/ other designers.

The CG imagery made for the collaborative projects is a subject of shared intellectual property.
It can not be published, copied or used in other public domains without the author's permission.
Hotel lobby/ 2021/ design: Reiters-Wings
Penthouse/ 2023/ design: Studio Ruight
NN07 boutique/ 2022/ design: Reiters-Wings
Statenkwartier / 2023/ dasha.murash
Restaurant De Leuf, 2020/ design: Reiters-Wings
Private spa/ 2018 / CHADO architectural studio
House extension in Maastricht/ 2023/ design: Studio Ruight


personal projects & collaborations